Sliced Cheesecake topped with berries

How to bake the perfect cheesecake?

Here are some top tips on how to get the right cheesecake!

Cheesecake has a special place in all our hearts! It may be super easy and smooth to have, making it might have its own challenges.

Cheesecake crust in a springform cake tin

The Base

Always bake the base first! The base of your cheesecake needs to be crunchy yet sturdy. It needs to balance the cheesecake on top of it. Make sure you grind the biscuits/nuts/crackers to a fine powder in a food processor and then add them to the base. Use the bottom of a glass to even it out. Keep it as thick as the dish needs. The more the base, the stronger the cheesecake stays on top of it. You could also add a zingy flavour to the base with some lemon or orange zest. The base also needs to be cooled down before pouring the cream cheese in!

Pouring cream cheese from a mixing bowl into a springform cake tin

The Cream

Always go for a full fat cream cheese unless the recipe asks for otherwise. This gives it the consistency we usually look for in a cheesecake and hence the flavour and texture. Higher the quality of the cream cheese, tastier the output will be.

Cheesecake ingredients including eggs, cream cheese, biscuits, and a rolling pin

The Temperature

Whatever you bake, you need to ensure it's at room temperature before you start baking. The cream, eggs, etc., please keep them outside the fridge an hour before you start baking. Nobody wants a lumpy cheesecake, no?

A stand mixer mixing cream cheese

The Mixer

A hand mixer is a go-to mixer for the creamiest cheesecake. It really blends the cream in and helps merge it all in one go. And you can increase/reduce pressure as you wish.

A few eggs next to a bowl

The Eggs

Add them in the end to the cream and sugar mix. Do not overmix eggs as it can create cracks in the cheesecake due to the extra air that gets released.

Baked crust in a springform cake tin

The Pan

For best results, use a high-quality non stick springform cake tin for your cheesecake. Grease it and put a foil at the bottom (optional) as cream-based desserts need more greased tools compared to flour-based batters. It becomes much more easy to demould it.

A person pushing buttons on a microwave

The Microwave

Do not overheat before you keep the cheesecake. Also, try and keep it a little further away from the heated corners and top to avoid cracks in your cheesecake. To check the status, open the oven very very slightly.

Cheesecake in a springform cake tin resting in water bath inside the oven

The Water Bath

Imagine sending your cheesecake to a spa day. That’s exactly what a water bath allows. Place your cheesecake pan into a bigger pan and fill the one outside with water. This steam also allows the cheesecake to retain its softness. Wrapping around the inner pan with foil also helps to avoid the water entering the pan.

Person opening the microwave door while resetting the microwave dial

The Post Baking Ritual

Do not open the microwave fully once done. Once you’re done baking, open the door slightly and allow the cheesecake to come to room temperature. Now, you can take it out fully. Taking it out too early and lead the cheesecake to crumble or spill.

Cheesecake topped with fruit cooling in the fridge

The Cooling

For the best results, you need to refrigerate the cheesecake overnight or at least for 4 hours. Now, you’re set!